Sakshi Gupta

Poker in VR

I thoroughly enjoyed this game and graphics. I played it online with random people with whom I could even talk. It was a virtual space where you choose your avatar and the play with people. It was something I had never seen before. Part visualization of having meetings in virtual space and stuff which I had read about previously shown here in this game was pretty new and cool for me. It had tutorials as well to teach Poker. Also, when you turn, change side or look around your avatar does the same as well so for the people around you it would appear as you are acting in real time. So initially when I was looking around one of the players kept pointing out why I am moving so much. Oh, and you can even mute yourself or mute other players and visually it puts a tape on the other player’s avatar which was funny to me.

This experience was really new for me and really fun too. I would definitely want to have an avatar based more experiences. Controls for this are really simple. There isn’t much that you need to do in a card game. Choosing money was a bit difficult for me but I eventually figured it out. Overall I had a fun experience. Obviously, there is a lot that could be done and improved in this but on a whole, it is still a good package.

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