Sakshi Gupta


User Experience Designer(UI/UX, Product) passionate about technology mediated user experience design.

I am enthusiastic about creating positive experiences for the userI graduated from the College of Design, NCSU in 2021 with a master's in Graphic Design. I have a unique background in information technology, possessing strong analytical, logical, creative, and problem-solving skills. I seek possibilities of combining technology with human-centered design. Over time experimenting with different mediums has led me to acquire many skills like

  • Designing for ML/AI
  • User-centered experience design(HCI)
  • Wireframing/prototyping
  • Conversational user interface design
  • Explainable AI, data ethics and bias mitigation in AI
  • Multimodal design(VR/AR/Digital)
  • Design thinking 
  • Usability testing
  • System and identity Design.

I have 4+ years of work experience in the design field, with my current position as an Experience Designer at Adobe Photoshop. 

My Resume

My Story

My background in Computer Science gives me skills in research, communication, and knowledge of the technology industry. I saw the potential design has in bringing about change in both human behavior and exchange with technology. To quote Caroline Sinders- "Design can be an equalizing action that distills code and policy into understandable interfaces." I think design can empower people to develop agency to use technology to their advantage. 

"Charity begins at home."

My first brush with the design was at home. My mother is better at finding solutions to things than my dad, and the difference in the way they approached the problem. My father- an engineer- would look at things from a logical perspective and dive deep into the ins and beyond, while my mother could find a practical fix that would not just work but was innovative too. I would say she is more ad-hoc than my father. She has a creative side to her, and here I am now using a mix of the best :)

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